Grassington, North Yorkshire

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site

Wildlife on site - a regular  visitor!

Wildlife on site – a regular visitor!

Wildlife on site - Cyril

Wildlife on site – Cyril


Bri chilling on site

Bri chilling on site

The Gamekeeper's Inn

The Gamekeeper’s Inn

View from the top of Threshfield Quarry

View from the top of Threshfield Quarry

Suzie windswept!

Suzie windswept!

Knocked up a little memorial at Trig Point for Bri's Dad & my Aunt Lou.  when the feather flies away let their spirits fly free x

Knocked up a little memorial at Trig Point for Bri’s Dad & my Aunt Lou. When the feather flies away let their spirits fly free x

We returned to Grassington for a short stay in July.  First time in our motorhome.  It’s a warm, friendly and picturesque part of Yorkshire.

There was a music festival on which we could hear on site from the village, wish we’d known about it beforehand we’d definitely have bought tickets.   Still, it’s an annual event so definitely one for next year …

We stayed at Wharfedale Caravan Club Site and didn’t actually go into the village this time, instead enjoying the scenery and wildlife on site (great photography opportunities), a nearby quarry walk and a meal at The Gamekeeper’s Inn.

We’re returning in December for a Dickensian weekend so will be back strolling the village’s cobbled streets then.  Hope it snows for that one!

Next stop is our longest trip so far to London.


Suzie & Bri



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